Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

is an NGO officially registered with the NGO Board, and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. The organization’s Vision is, “All round development of the human being”. It works to provide Ecosystem Based solutions for the challenges that plague our generation. SWAGEN works at the grassroots, among forest dependent Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to promote agro ecological technologies and practices, plant trees for food and Climate Mitigation, construct fuel efficient stoves, rain water harvesting facilities and transfer appropriate energy technologies such as solar at household level for Climate Change Adaptation to enhance community resilience. The organization promotes forest-based non extractive income generation. To this end SWAGEN promotes use of modern apiary practices using modern Langstroth bee hives that do not use fire for harvesting. The organization has been recognized by the FAO Collaborative Partnership on Forestry (CPF) and awarded the Wangari Maathai Prize for Forestry and the ONE Prize for eradication of extreme poverty. Both Prizes were awarded in 2015.

In the course of work with the communities, SWAGEN has encountered new and emerging challenges such as child damping! As such, SWAGEN has opened up a spin – off project of providing a home for orphans and neglected children.

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